An application is in process for a five-story apartment building in northwest Portland.
The property is currently occupied by a one-story, 1,785 square foot house built in 1940. The house, located at NW 22nd and Pettygrove, sits on a 6,000 square foot lot.
The application was filed in late September. It is currently under review. No application for demolition has been filed, though that seems a likely next step to make way for the proposed apartment building.
The proposed plans do not include any onsite parking.
The property is owned by Gregg and Hana Opsahl of Rainier Pacific, a Portland development firm. The Opsahls have previously applied for and received historic landmark designation on property at 825 NW 22nd Ave.
That house, built in 1906, received historic designation as the “Moreland/Smith/Cohn house.” According to the Historic Landmarks Commission, “the period of significance is 1906-1944, specifically excluding the rear stair as a significant feature.”